It’s the most wonderful time of the year! Even though that is part of a song, Christmas truly is a special time. Before kids, Thanksgiving was always my favorite holiday (hello big turkey and stretchy pants) but since having the little darlings Christmas has become the top holiday. The wonder in their eyes is such a treat. I know this year is different. It’s not as easy to be around each other and spread that Christmas cheer (without maybe spreading something else). I wanted to create this gift guide because there have been many celebrations these past 8 months that we have had to do virtually but I still wanted to send something to say I cared. To brighten a day. To provide encouragement. To make things feel a little more *normal*. That can be the greatest gift to give right now. These are all products that I absolutely love, most in my home (yes, I have a HUGE Amazon prime problem) and goodies that we enjoy. Being gluten free can be especially frustrating at the holidays. So many goodies that are not safe to indulge in and if you are celiac, you know it is a whole other level of shlepping your own food lots of places. Offering little unexpected goodies to gluten free kiddos is a huge blessing to them. They often get overlooked. So in that regard my own kids helped with picking out things that they enjoy. All of these can easily be shipped through Amazon too. I wish you a very Merry Christmas. Full of peace. I’m so very thankful for you.

Favorite Gluten Free sweet treats! These can be beautifully wrapped, placed in stockings, shipped to a special person or eaten as you hide in your pantry. Ho ho ho.
Gluten Free Savory Treats! These add that delicious salt, bit of crunch and much needed break from the sugar overload. Anyone you gift these too will jingle all the way home.
Gluten Free Holiday Baking Ingredients! I feel like I could just put Nutella here and call it a day, but there are other awesome ingredients to make extra special yummies. Of course good gluten free flour is a must! I’ve added some of my favorite mixes too. Covid Christmas or not, we all get super busy and still want to enjoy something delicious and homemade.
Gluten Free Fun Gifts! These are the things that are just delightful. Some are food. Some find the humor in the gf life. Some are great gifts for gluten free kids. But all will have the recipient smiling like a 6 year old staring at a new bike under the Christmas tree. Or iPad. I guess iPads are the new bikes.
Stuff I like! While most of this is gluten free because it is in fact clothes, ahem, kitchen appliances and other oddball material items… I thought it would be fun to take a break from all the overt gluten freeing and just take some time to treat yo self. Or treat someone else. Just basically shop on Amazon and feel the thrill of hitting buy now. That is a gift in itself. Enjoy!

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